From: Sherman Rootberg (Biggiroot)
Date: Jan 27, 2007 5:55 PM
Subject: Saturday, January 27, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Sea Day IV En Route to St. Helena
Yesterday, I forgot to mention that we got another letter from Pam. That’s the lady that’s taking care of our doggy, Spike. I had told her about Spike’s little trick of sitting up and waving both paws in the air when he wants something. He does it several times a day with us but obviously had never done with Pam. Following is Pam’s note and my reply.
I finally got to see what you were talking about... Spike standing on his hind legs, pawing the air in happiness.
Today, my conure bird, Skylar, was acting up really bad... screaming to just hang out with the dogs. He is a bird, but doesn't know it being around dogs all the time. He thinks he's a dog obviously.
So, I let him out and Spike was enthralled by him. Wanted to play with Skylar. Barking, pawing... like a love affair going on between a dog and his bird! Too cute!
Sincerely, Pamela
Dear Pam,
When Spike sits up and waves both hands (paws) in the air he is not doing this in joy. He is begging. He only begs for food. He wants to eat your bird. Not cute if he gets him and still thinks he is food. He does chase birds in the yards in both Miami and Northbrook. Do not feed him the bird. He could choke on the bones. Probably not real good for the bird either. Just another friendly tip from your friend;
What? I thought I was being very helpful.
Kenny Smiles was on again tonight. I laughed so hard I used up three handkerchiefs. He received three separate standing ovations. Fantastic performer.
Tomorrow we have got to get up early to do tours and stuff.
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