From: Sherman Rootberg (biggiroot)
Date: Mar 7, 2007 8:53 AM
Subject: Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Originally, we were only supposed to be here until 1:00 this afternoon. Then it was 2:00 and finally we left a little after 3:00. The reason given was because of the tide. Yeah, sure. Maybe the Tide to wash the clothes didn’t arrive, but the tide has nothing to do with this harbor or this ship. I love it when they lie to you and especially when there is no reason. I know the truth is because of the river traffic. There must have been a hundred ships and barges passing every 15 minutes. There was not room for us to make a U turn and the pilots were busy.

This morning the sun was finally out. It was not really doing much warming but it was a little warmer out anyhow. Bobbi had to get rid of her left over China money so we needed to go shopping. Sure. I’m stupid. I’ll go for that one. We already bought everything there was in this country but she needs more.
I was not feeling great so Bobbi just got on the shuttle into town. It picks up right at the bottom of the gang plank and drops off at

the door of a government store. Naturally Bobbi was able to somehow find a way to get rid of the China money she had and surprise, surprise. Hundreds more.
I have been thinking about this. I think I may be doing something wrong. You tell me. First I spend a great deal of money to go on these buying trips. I spend a huge amount of time searching out these treasures. I spend a huger amount of money buying this junk, I mean treasure. I can no longer move or breathe in our

room because of being cramped in with all these treasures. None of this wonderful stuff is ever for me. Then when we get home, and whatever has not been broken or lost we give away for no money, nothing, free, nada, zip, zilch, boobkis, nothing. This does not make me any profit. I end up far poorer then when I left. Why exactly is it that I go on these buying trips? I know there must be something I am not doing right. Maybe I need to raise my prices? Please send advice.

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