From: Sherman Rootberg (BiggiRoot)
Date: Mar 29, 2007 11:39 AM
Subject: Thursday, March 29, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007

This was a fun day. I ran out of air. So we went to the doctor. Doctor says I don’t have enough oxygen in me. He has this thing he puts on my finger and it tells him how much oxygen is in my blood. It just clips on like a clothes pin. No hole or prick. He says the meds I brought are the best for what I have, bronchitis. He wants to give me different ones also but is afraid because of my allergies. I also have another antibiotic, we brought with, that is good for that and I will take both. He also had the nurse give me nebishizer. No, Bobbi says it is a nebulizer. That worked for an hour or so but by the time we were supposed to do another nebulizer, I couldn’t breathe again. So he took a blood test. That confused him even more because I have a condition that gives me a very high white count. I am going to have to call my Hematologist and see if she can email me the last blood test she did. Now they want me to go to a hospital for a chest x-ray tomorrow. They have arranged to have a car pick me up and take me there and back and will make arrangements to have the x-ray taken. Then they gave me another nebulizer treatment, but this time more and stronger and with oxygen. They also sent an oxygen machine to my room.
Right now it doesn’t look too good. I am feeling much better and I’m afraid I will live and have to pay for all this.
This morning I was feeling a little better after the nebulizer so we went to the main restaurant for breakfast. By lunch time I was bad again and we had nothing. Tonight we are having room service again. Their room service is fantastic. At dinner time they will bring anything on the restaurant menu or you can order from a room service menu. They are quick and the food comes hot.

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