Monday, March 26, 2007


From: Sherman Rootberg (BiggiRoot)
Date: Mar 26, 2007 11:58 AM
Subject: Monday, March 26, 2007

Monday, March 26, 2007


I don’t know why they insist on calling it Mumbai. Even the maps still call it Bombay.

The episode with the dolphins still had me confused so today I went up on the bridge to speak to the captain.

He wasn’t there nor was he in his office but I did speak with the officer on watch. We spoke for some time.

There is a machine that creates it’s own chart and shows you your exact position. He said that the QE II is the only cruise ship that can go just by that computer created chart, because it has several backups. The others must have a real paper chart besides.

He was also on duty when we had the encounter with the dolphin or tuna, whatever they were. He said he had no ides what kind they were or anything about them but he did have pictures and they were definitely dolphins.

I went back to our suite and looked it up on the internet. I looked at search engines like google and I looked in encyclopedias. The only thing I could come up with was an article about some small dolphin. It said they were only found in warm waters and they stayed out to sea. They will sometimes take a ride on a bow wake and they have been seen in groups of 500 or more. They do not especially want to see men and are elusive. That is why not much is known about them and they have not been studied. I was amazed to see, in some other articles, how many are killed annually. The Japs kill them by the thousand and sell them as whale. Others do eat them but not as openly.

I guess I have to stand corrected. If that many people had seen them, they must have been dolphin even though they did look like tuna out foggy window.

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