From: Sherman Rootberg (biggiroot)
Date: Mar 2, 2007 9:53 AM
Subject: Friday, March 02, 2007
Friday, March 02, 2007

About the only thing new to report today is that the Veranda restaurant has opened as a French Bistro. Wait just a minute. Hold the presses. Bobbi said there was another very important event today. She had her hair colored and styled. However, she did not follow my

wishes. I said to try coloring it green but it is still yellow. She now has hair covering her eyes like a puppy dog so I will probably have to get a leash and collar. I wonder if I can train her to heel?
Back at the French Bistro, there

is still the same humongous appetizer bar but with a few additions. They have added three outstanding pate’s, frog legs, and a chef cooking hot escargot. I had a plate full of those escargot. They were fantastic except I think there might have been some snails

mixed in. The soup has been changed from minestrone to lobster bisque.
The main courses were pretty much the same, a filet, another steak, veal tenderloin and lobster tail, except all have a French sauce now. There are a

couple of additions. Turbot and Oysters Rockefeller. Oysters Rockefeller for a main course! The oysters were sweet and tender. Some of the best tasting ever. The Rockefeller was just a good chopped, steamed, spinach with a very good Hollandaise type sauce.

Not nearly as good as Oysters Rocky ala Bobbi, but still great. I had several main courses of those.
I have not mentioned the food on the ship very often. Describing or naming things or even picturing it does not give

any idea of taste. Every bit of food on this ship has been and still is better then your favorite restaurant. Harping on it would just be boring. How does one go back to the farm after all this?
I’m sending more pictures from

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