Date: Apr 13, 2007 4:28 PM
Subject: Friday, April 13, 2007
Friday, April 13, 2007
The anchor area is not really in a harbor. It is just minor curve
Like many places in Europe, the towns are so old that every inch
Once we tendered ashore there was area of beach and resort type stores and casual restaurants. There was also a hotel with a large
To get up to the level of the town, the ship provided a shuttle. This bus had to go up these tiny narrow streets where you wouldn’t want to drive a large car. When something came along from the opposite way, you would think they would have to get
We were finally dropped in a square where there was a waiting area with benches beside some stores. There was a town representative aboard this morning. She had given us a map and directions. Thus armed, we bravely ventured forth. The stores
We walked a few miles and decided we had seen all we cared to. Last year there had been people on the streets but this year it was ridicules. It was just wall to wall. It was often hard to walk down the sidewalks. So we headed for a restaurant we had loved last year. When we got there they said they would not open for another hour. They directed us to some others already open. They were mobbed and we didn’t want to wait so we headed back to the shuttle pick up area.
My luck, the shuttle was just leaving as we got there. Of course, by now, you know what that means. Bobbi says she will just look in a few stores until a shuttle comes. I just gave up, sat down on a bench, and thought about what it would look like to see a grown man cry.
Just as I gave up all hope, another shuttle arrived. I ran into the store yelling, quick, the shuttle is here, run. All that did was cut down my losses to five bottles of Limoncello. That’s a popular liquor from the area.
We got on the shuttle and went all the way to the last place we walked to before the bus could turn around and go down one way streets that took us back down the cliffs. On the way down the steepest and narrowest part, while rounding a corner, we encountered another bus going the opposite way. Oh fun. Both busses went back and forward until finally they made it by each other with a maybe an inch to spare.
Once down we decided we still needed our pizza and had one in a restaurant on the lower level. There was no one else in the place. I must assume they just do not use onion on pizza. We could not get it last year and even though the waiter shook his head yes, there was no onion on the pizza. I guess they are just to polite to come out and say no. They were very friendly in the restaurant. The pizza was very good too.
After lunch we walked across the road and looked in more junk stores. We now have adult bibs for slobs who always spill something on their shirts. We picked the bibs off a rack and went into a store. While trying to check out of the little store we encountered two ladies. They wouldn’t even look in our direction. They just kept yelling at each other. One woman took our money while they continued to yell and call each other bota. (whore)
We did get on the tender to the ship. This afternoon Bobbi had to have her hair done. While she did that I walked up on the top deck. The captain had announced he was going to go to Capri. An island just across the bay.
Capri is very famous. There are some highly rated hotels on the island. We went so close you could touch some of the rocks from the ship. I’ll include some extra pictures from there too.
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