From: Sherman Rootberg (BiggiRoot)
Date: Apr 11, 2007 4:22 PM
Subject: Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Rhodes, Greece

We were told that everyone spoke English here and there would be plenty of taxis. We had planned to take one for a tour of the island but at the last minute Bobbi got cold feet thinking about yesterdays guide. So, for the heck of it we walked by the tour desk to see if they had anything left for the last minute. It just so happened they did have two tickets for the tour we wanted, and we bought them.
As we were standing there, captain Dag walked up. He had a very

serious look on his face. I don’t think I was even fully awake yet. It seems the captain is pissed at me. He says he read my blog. He again said, he is so sorry, but he really did not know about the Seder or he would have come in. To which I replied, then you must not be Jewish. He said, yes, that’s why I did not know.
In case anyone did not know, I do not publish this to the internet. I did not ask, but My son does this to keep a record and has it there for anyone I include in my mailing list. Should they have

missed any, they can look it up at if they want to. If you do go there, click on the ad for whoever the sponsor is. They pay him something for his kids college fund every time someone clicks on their ad. This blog was not intended for the public. It was meant just for our friends and family. I have turned down offers to have this published. It seems that several think there is money to made on printing a travel log for those considering a world cruise. Since they cost at least $100,000 and most far more, they thought many would want to read about one. I did not intend this

to be a guide and none of my facts have been investigated or confirmed. It only reflects my observations and opinions. I have been paid to write things in the past. Had this been intended for publication, the writing would have been far different.
It seems someone has discovered this blog and has spread the word, or should I say, tattle tailed every time they thought they could spread controversy. Again, this has been intended to be private. If you don’t like it, don’t eavesdrop. Last I checked, the

web was free to carry anyone’s opinion. I also checked, and the country I come from is still free. So I will continue to send my friends and family anything I please. But, as long as there are those listening in and running off to spread the gossip, they better tell the captain to read this one too.
I am so use to seeing Jewish events treated as unimportant, I might never have seen it as unusual that there was no attendance or notice by the captain. It was however, mentioned by several

who obviously didn’t want to, or were afraid to go any further. From all of this I must assume I am the only one who said anything to the captain. That does not mean I am the only one who cares. I have not been appointed as a spokesman by anyone. I am just the one with the biggest mouth.
Enough for that crap. Now on to Rhodes. We first drove through the old city along the coast. This in an old fort area, some of which has been restored. We drove to Mount Filerimos. There was a

long gravel path to walk with views all along the way. It went gently down and then up. At the end was a beautiful lookout where you could see the city of Rhodes. While we walked along the path there were many horrendous screams. Knowing that sound meant it could only be one thing. Crazy Peacocks. These deranged animals go running and screaming all over the place. We have seen them in many places around the world and they are the same everywhere. Out of their minds but beautiful.

After that we drove cross country about an hour and a half to Lindos. The countryside and homes on the way were very nice. Once at Lindos we had the choice of walking down a very steep hill or wait to get on a shuttle. The town of Lindos is way down hill from the main road.
Once down, there was a restaurant at the very bottom of the hill. We had drinks and a few olives. The area at the bottom was full of stores. We found a tablecloth store. Thus far we had not been able to find a large enough table cloth. Here we found a very nice one in our size.
We had to go back after this. It took about an hour to get back and the ship had to leave at about 4:30. This island was beautiful. Different things were growing everywhere. Homes were well cared for. The views were tremendous.
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