From: Sherman Rootberg (BiggiRoot)
Date: Apr 25, 2007 6:04 PM
Subject: Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The big deal today was a country fair up on the pool deck. There were all kinds of silly games at the many different booths. The booth operators were all crew members. They were dressed in different costumes and each booth was done in a different theme. There would be voting later for the best booth. The winning booth will get a party in their honor, thrown by the captain.
One of the better ones was the Adams Family. A bald waiter had his head sticking up through a toilet. It was a ring toss game.

Another was a couple of clowns in a small boat floating in the pool. This was a pie tossing contest. You had to pick up a pie and whack someone in the boat with it.
Bobbi and I entered the elephant races. The winner got a ticket. The ticket entered you in a drawing for a prize. I don’t know what the prize was, but I must not have won it anyhow. I did win the second elephant race. I did get a ticket for first place. Bobbi came in second. She got nothing for second place. It was just a dice toss

game. They would shake the dice and your elephant would move one space for each time a die came up with your number. That’s my arm in the picture, signaling that I had won.
I don’t know if we could have taken all the excitement and besides, it was very windy and chilly up on deck. So we took the stairs down from 11 to 5 and walked out the rear lounge. We sat and watched the rear wake for awhile. Later we watched a CD we had purchased at the beginning of the cruise. It was a Kenny

Smiles CD. He sings well and some of his shtick is hilarious. Bobbi said I fell asleep and she was laughing all by herself for over an hour.
While I was at it, I finally sent Kenny a Kenny joke. He is from Wales but has recently bought a house and property in Arkansas. He does some really funny jokes about people from that area. I had a joke that one of our friends sent us, quite some time back. Tell me if you like this one. It’s one of my favorites. Here is what I

sent Kenny:
Hi Kenny,
We have been fans since we saw you on the Voyager on the 2006 world cruise. We even have your CDs. My wife will buy anything. We were standing on the deck with Carl and Vanessa (Friends of his from Wales) when you were
aboard the Voyager the other day.
That brought to mind the event we remembered from Arkansas. This happened right near your house.
We were driving down a dirt road and just about to pass a farm house when an old pickup truck comes flying up in a cloud of dust. This
guy nails the brakes and slides the truck sideways, blocking the road. He jumps out looking really mad, doesn’t even bother to close the truck door and walks quickly up to the front door of that farm house. He takes his fist and bangs really hard on the door. A boy about 14 or 15 years old comes to the door. We are close enough to hear what is being said.
The obviously irritated farmer asks the boy where his paw is, he has to talk to his paw. The boy says he’s not here. The farmer asks where he is. The boy says he went to town. After thinking a moment or two the farmer then says where is your maw, I guess I can talk to your maw. The boy says, she’s not here too. The farmer asks where she is. The boy says she went to town with paw. The farmer walks up and back a couple of times and then says, well then I will have to talk to your brother. The boy says, he’s not here too. The farmer asks where he is. The boy says he went to town with paw and maw. The farmer really looks agitated now. He walks up and back for about a minute and finally says then I will talk to you. Your brother Jethro has gotten my daughter pregnant. The boy says, yeah, you will have to talk to paw. I know he gets $50 for the bull and $25 for the hog but I don’t know what he gets for Jethro.
Please let me know if you do use this. I am not asking for payment. Let me know if you read it. If you would like more Kenny jokes when I get them, let me know.
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