From: Sherman Rootberg (BiggiRoot)
Date: Apr 1, 2007 2:06 PM
Subject: Sunday, April 01, 2007
Sunday, April 01, 2007

What a great day. The time has finally come. Bobbi said she is not doing any more shopping, of any kind, the rest of the trip. You have got to know this is just an April Fools Day joke. But she is pretty in her new silk thing she bought in the souk yesterday.
The only thing to report is Bobbi almost jumping in the drink today. It was beautiful out this morning. We were out on our balcony watching fish. The waters here are just full of fish and dolphin you can often see. All of a sudden two jet fighters came out

of no where and dived on the ship. Bobbi was sure they were going to attack or bomb us. She was so scared she hung onto me for about five minutes. I guess she figured I would be a good life raft. It happened so fast we did not get a chance to see whose planes they were. That was it. The one super fast dive to less then 100 feet from us and they were gone.

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