From: Sherman Rootberg (biggiroot)
Date: Feb 15, 2007 11:06 AM
Subject: Thursday, February 15, 2007
Thursday, February 15, 2007

Sorry, but I expected another dirty little island that was just another excuse for a cruise port stop. WRONG!! This little rock is gorgeous.
Most of it is straight up and down. It reminds one of some of the islands in the Caribbean,

only this one is more developed. Roads are mostly in good shape and reasonably smooth even though there are almost no straight stretches. There are constant curves, switch backs and sometimes U turns. The up hill sides are always covered with concrete or

stone work to keep them from falling on the road. The scenery never stops amazing you. Everything is very green and often parted by huge boulders and straight up mountains made of granite and maybe even more amazing are the beaches.

The entire perimeter of this island is one big deep beach of white sand. The water is clear and warm. In many spots you can walk out for blocks and the water will never come above your knees. The views on these beaches cannot be described

and even the pictures do not do them justice. Some go on for as far as you can see without a soul in sight. The high mountains are a back drop and sometimes there are tiny islands just off shore. Some places have huge outcroppings of high, dark colored rock

edifices contrasting with the white sand and blue turquoise waters.
We hired a taxi and went around the island by ourselves. Prices here are pretty high on almost everything. Some new resort just opened and is

charging $1,500 per day. It took about four hours to see everything we wanted and our driver spoke perfect English and was a terrific guide.
We just drove through the downtown area and did not make any stops. We had

stopped along the way for Bobbi to buy all kinds of useless junk, I mean wonderful, locally made, (or not) treasures to be given out for gifts that the recipients will admire forever. Or maybe a minute or two if at all. I know her recipients take one look at the wonderful treasures and really think, this is not jewelry. Oh great. Now I’ve got to pretend I am overwhelmed with this ugly junk and what’s more, find a place to put this garbage where she can see it when she comes over. Not my problem. Wait just a minute. Now that I just thought about it, it is my problem. I am the sucker paying for these wonderful treasures.
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