From: Sherman Rootberg (biggiroot)
Date: Feb 21, 2007 11:28 AM
Subject: Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

That’s it. Just a typical sea day. They are all good and we have fun. The lectures are good. Today’s sea day event was cooking demonstrations by the head chef and the hotel manager. They are really comedy shows with a few good r

ecipes and more food to taste and eat. They spill stuff all over and screw stuff up. The head chef is German and the hotel manager is Swedish. Both have thick accents and you only understand part of what they say and they understand each other even less. Makes for a big mess and a great show.

I sent more pictures from Sri Lanka. Look carefully at the one with the tree. It is loaded with giant fruit bats. At least they say they are fruit bats. I would not trust them. If they eat only fruit, why do they need those big hollow canine teeth? Why are they so

big? I think they are really vampires. They are sleeping in the bright sun without caskets. I think they are really vampires that have learned to live in sunlight and do not have to sleep in earth.

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