Date: Feb 17, 2007 12:51 PM
Subject: Saturday, February 17, 2007
Saturday, February 17, 2007
We also find out that Darius Mehta was there in Amboseli. Not having seen a picture of him, I would have had no idea who he was. He was the one I had written to as the one responsible for the poor choice of clothing sizes they gave for gifts. He had obviously gone out and purchased two vests for us himself. He is the one in charge of organizing some of these terrific (and some not so terrific) events such as the one to Amboseli. Let me say in his behalf, if nothing else, they have all been very imaginative and quite spectacular even when things have gone wrong. Amboseli was another outstanding and perfect one.
Pam wrote us about spike again. Following is her letter and my reply:
Sometimes at night, I hear Spike playing near his bed in my bedroom.. Turns out... he walks around the house when we are all sleeping and gets whatever cookies weren't eaten by the other dogs and hides them off the side of my dresser between that and a Rubbermaid Tote.
I got a little hoarder on my hands! He is way too cute.
My Reply:
What can I tell you? Now it's out. Spike is a thief. It must come from Bobbi's side of the family.
Actually we have had this problem whenever we have had company or the kids over. He begs so well that everyone gives him food and the kids are amazed to see a toy that moves and takes food from them. He gets so full he can no longer eat. Then he hides food everywhere he can think of. Under couch cushions are a favorite. Under rugs are a good place too.
Tonight we are invited to the captains table for dinner. No doubt, it is to celebrate my birthday with me. Actually my birthday is tomorrow but we will be in port and he usually is too busy to have dinner in the dining room when in port.
I think we may have a problem. It looks like Captain Dag must have a thing for Bobbi. This is the second time he has her sitting next to him. We are taken to the captain’s table by the assistant cruise director and there are place cards for each of us. Tonight there were four couples besides the captain. There was no coincidence.
All through dinner he keeps leaning over and talking to Bobbi. He asks what perfume she is wearing and says he loves the smell. He doesn’t take a hint when I say it’s Eau de Washed Up On a Beach Herring.
When we get back to the room Bobbi is saying things to me like, I am cute, aren’t I? Stay tuned right here folks. You may just hear about the first cruise ship captain to mysteriously be lost at sea after falling off his own ship.
Again Lars, the hotel director, just happens to be near by. While on an elevator earlier, he said he would. They have a thing going with their Scandinavian liquor called Aqua Vit. Smells like kerosene. Dag says he really doesn’t like it but just drinks it because the other Scandinavians do. He says Lars really likes it and will do most anything to get some and it is only in the captain’s private stash. Sure enough, just after completing dinner, Lars invites himself to sit with us. He proposes a round of drinks. We are all having a good time so we say sure. Then Lars says, how about some Aqua Vit. Tall shots of Aqua Vit are poured for everyone. After two glasses or more of wine, Bobbi loves this stuff. It may smell like kerosene but tastes like rubbing alcohol. Bad rubbing alcohol. But Bobbi says it is good, and drinks the stuff down. Even Lars and Dag just chug the stuff right down, it tastes so bad.
You better watch out kiddies. I think your Mom is turning to the dark side.
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